Category: Online Reviews

8 Smart Ways to Use Branding in Your Tech Site Reviews Process

8 Smart Ways to Use Branding in Your Tech Site Reviews Process

Your branding can be an afterthought, or it can be the cohesive glue that ties together all content that you put out. When used properly, your branding can energize your tech business reviews program and help it get you the results you want. Too often, business owners aren’t diligent about using their brand in everything […]

7 Practical Steps to Repair a Bad Tech Business Reputation

7 Practical Steps to Repair a Bad Tech Business Reputation

We all make mistakes occasionally and in the internet age, bad reviews and low star ratings can stay in Google’s search results and haunt you for years if not addressed. Whether your customer service was lacking when trying to transition from part-time to full-time IT support, you made a poor hiring decision, or bad comments […]

Yes! Negative Reviews Can Actually Benefit Your Tech Business Website

Yes! Negative Reviews Can Actually Benefit Your Tech Business Website

Some business owners completely miss out on all the positive sales and marketing benefits that come with having good reviews simply because they’re scared of a few negative ratings, so they don’t bother with reviews at all. No one likes to hear negative things about their business, but although it may be hard to believe, […]

Reviews are a Valuable Business Asset for Your IT Site: Use Them to Their Fullest!

Reviews are a Valuable Business Asset for Your IT Site: Use Them to Their Fullest!

Do you look at online reviews as a nice perk if you get them, but not something that’s under your control? They’re actually one of your most valuable business assets that can be utilized in multiple ways. If you take a “wait and see” attitude to your customer reviews, you’re missing the boat on what […]

What Other Ways Can Online Reviews Positively Impact Your Tech Business?

What Other Ways Can Online Reviews Positively Impact Your Tech Business?

  It’s easy to make a direct correlation between collecting good online reviews and gaining more business because of them, but have you ever considered other ways that reviews might influence your business? There is a lot of power packed behind each star rating and personal testimonial, and if you capitalize on your reviews, it […]

Two More Google Hacks to Get More Google My Business Reviews

Two More Google Hacks to Get More Google My Business Reviews

Another Hack #1: One of the barriers of getting more reviews on your Google My Business page is that Google requires your customer to have a gmail account in order to post a public review. Many will not take the time to create an account just to leave a nice review. If you collect emails […]

Three Reasons Why You Are Not Getting The Reviews Your IT Business Deserves

Three Reasons Why You Are Not Getting The Reviews Your IT Business Deserves

Are any of the three reasons below holding you back from getting those 5 star reviews your company deserves?   Reason # 1: Lack of TimeLet’s face it, all IT business owners lack sufficient time to invest in all the recommended forms of marketing. Yet, look at the effort and time spent using software to […]
