Category: Reputation

7 Practical Steps to Repair a Bad Tech Business Reputation

7 Practical Steps to Repair a Bad Tech Business Reputation

We all make mistakes occasionally and in the internet age, bad reviews and low star ratings can stay in Google’s search results and haunt you for years if not addressed. Whether your customer service was lacking when trying to transition from part-time to full-time IT support, you made a poor hiring decision, or bad comments […]

How In-Person Networking Strengthens Your Tech Business Reputation

How In-Person Networking Strengthens Your Tech Business Reputation

No matter how much technology might cause us to spend time looking at screens, nothing can replace that in-person interaction that connects people and helps us truly get to know each other. In-person networking is an age-old practice, but one that’s more relevant than ever in today’s internet focused world. There’s just something you get […]
