Category: Google

8 Reputation Management Lessons for New MSP Business Owners

8 Reputation Management Lessons for New MSP Business Owners 8 Reputation Management Lessons for New MSP Business Owners

When you start a new MSP business, you’re most likely focused on what tools you’re going to use for remote management and how to market for new customers. Your reputation might not be on your radar as something you need to worry about right now. But it’s actually the perfect time to put reputation management […]

Best Practices for IT Business Reputation Management

Best Practices for IT Business Reputation Management Best Practices for IT Business Reputation Management

Before the internet age, reputation management basically meant making sure you kept your name out of the papers for the wrong thing and that you treated customers right. It’s still important to treat customers right, but in the digital age keeping your name off the internet for the wrong thing is nearly impossible. That’s why […]

Use Review Schema Markup to Boost Your IT Business Site’s Review Visibility

Use Review Schema Markup to Boost Your IT Business Site’s Review Visibility

One of the challenges with reviews is putting them where you need them to be in your lead funnel. If you’re putting them on interior site pages where only your current customers go to, you may just be signing to the choir. How do you get reviews at the top of your lead generation activities? […]

Protect Your IT Business Reputation With a Positive Digital Footprint

Protect Your IT Business Reputation With a Positive Digital Footprint

In today’s world, everything we do online can leave a footprint, whether or not we realize it. From posts on social media to message board replies from years ago, things done online tend to stay there forever. Understanding your digital footprint and knowing how to control it can protect your tech business reputation and build […]

What are Local Citations & Why Are They Critical to Your Tech Business Site?

What are Local Citations & Why Are They Critical to Your Tech Business Site?

When most people hear the word “citation” they think of a traffic ticket, but local citations are something completely different and completely crucial for good local website rankings for your tech business site. Local citations don’t always get the attention they deserve and companies that don’t pay attention to them or keep them up to […]

Two More Google Hacks to Get More Google My Business Reviews

Two More Google Hacks to Get More Google My Business Reviews

Another Hack #1: One of the barriers of getting more reviews on your Google My Business page is that Google requires your customer to have a gmail account in order to post a public review. Many will not take the time to create an account just to leave a nice review. If you collect emails […]

Online Review Hack For Getting More Google 5 Star Reviews

Online Review Hack For Getting More Google 5 Star Reviews

If you are sending out review request emails to your IT customers, and are focusing your efforts on Google reviews, then follow this guide to make it very simple for them to leave a review, especially if you are segmenting your email / customer list by email addresses and sending this information to Gmail account […]
